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We Believe that every artists requires support and nurturing no matter what phase they are in. In accordance to that we have come up with regular exciting, engaging and informative events that shall take place all around the year online and otherwise. If you would like to organise any such event with us please feel free to contact us.



Drawing from Nature.

Learning to draw from nature, along with the Notes from Da Vinci from the famous DA VINCI's NOTEBOOK, Vincent Van Gogh's letters and Sarah Simblet's Botony Book.


Place :At Hanging Gardens, Malabar Hills, Mumbai.

Time: 4.30pm - 6pm

Duration: 2.5 hours

Every Tuesday and Friday from last week of December 2014.



Fee: Rs.200/-


Materials not included.




2014 October- Artist talk to Shari Academy students, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.

2014 March - Art Awareness camp, Mumbai.

2013 June- Bangalore Art Awareness camp

2011 March – Art Awareness camps, Nagpur.
2010 February 16th -21st:  International Design Awareness Awards 2010 (IDAA 2010), in association with MFA department RTMNU, PXL Studios, Nagpur.
2010 January: Introduction to usage of website in schools. Mundle Public school, PXL studios, Nagpur.
2009 Sept: Square Impressions, Basoli Group, Nagpur.
2009 Sept: Digital media workshop. Pxl Studios, Nagpur.
2008 Oct: Fresher’s Fayre - Introduction to Class Reps, SUARTS, London.
2008 Sept: Kalavicched - New dimension to art, Nagpur
2008 April: 140 Area 10, Curation and Art, London
2007 March - 2009 April: Healing with Creativity, Yoga and art workshop, Camberwell College of Arts, Peckham road, London.




Drawing from Life. Soon to start form the month of January. Please watch this space for further details.


Time : To be decided

Place : Mumbai

Duration : 2-3 hours


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